I am proficient in 6+ Programming Languages
I can read and modify almost any language

Being proficient means that I can write or create entire foundations in a particular language, from memory.
Being exposed to various languages for 30+ years means I can modify almost any existing system.

YouTube Handicapped
Google Spoiled

The vast majority of my knowledge is stored information. I don't rely on or need Google or YouTube to complete my projects. When I do need advice, I talk with other professionals.

Jack of Few Trades
Master of one

I survived a family of generational trauma. I suffer from bi-polar, depression, and psychotic disorder. I struggle keeping the dishes clean, but when I sit down to a keyboard with a new project and my triple-monitor setup, the top of my head tingles. I'm excited and alive. There's only one thing on this Earth that I truly enjoy anymore... Working a new project, especially if it involves complex solutions.

Despite everything
Candor & Punctuality

I've reached the age where candor is unavoidable. I never tell people what they want to hear. I can "band-aid" when I'm instructed to do so, that aspect makes things more affordable. Plus, it guarantees repeat business.
Seriously, though... I prefer to see a solution through and reach project sustainability.

I support the unsupported

My solutions can harden existing systems that have lost support.
I specialize in uptime and automation.

  • Point-Of-Sale

    Do you own a business with a P.O.S. system that has lost support, you're not ready for the upgrade, but things aren't working exactly right?

  • Compliance

    We ensure things like PCI-Compliance and HIPPA-Compliance, where applicable.

  • Unknown Territory

    I'm not particularly familiar with unmanaged C++ code, but cross-compiled (for PC) the first public version of Face-Swapping software in 2010, specifically written for OSX.

  • You might not know

    What that stuff in that left box means, but considering that it didn't publicly exist until I created it, in my weakest language, kinda says something.

  • Security

    I've written a master-piece over @ The Targeted Resistance, that incorporates advanced cyber-security measures to protect the site. I built the system after one of the largest and most secure corporate solutions failed.

  • Bugs

    I have extensive experience with virtual environments. For one client, I was able to virtualize the primary server, take the virtual environment home, and fix the issue over the course of a couple days for a system that had lost support in 2010. Without the client experiencing ANY down-time.

My Name is Jimmy Johnson

Just give me a call, you won't regret it.